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Angelo Calogero Carlotta

Contemporary figurative painter.  Born in San Cataldo on February 22, 1985, he began his career as a multifaceted artist early thanks to his studies at the former State Institute of Art "F. Juvara" in San Cataldo, which he continued by attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania  .  From 2008 to today he has published several series works, oil and enamel on canvas, the succession of which reveals a completely self-taught evolution in artistic research.  It began with "I non places" (2008) and continued with "Vie" (2010) and "Marginalization, creation, emancipation" (2012) where the artist's preference for borderline subjects and street artists to tell and tell became evident  in an anthropological study of the ego and its identity crisis in contemporary society.  Speech matured in his subsequent solo shows: "Strade a nord est" and "Vie di mezzo" (2014) both to be placed in parallel at the beginning of the production of wooden sculptures which in the study of the decomposition and deformation of the figure act as precursors to the  development of his figurative technique.  Two new series were published between the end of 2014 and 2015 ("Alternative routes" and "Points of view") in which the role of observer of the human condition led him to question the effects that technology and the media have on our being:  "we live the idea of ​​us who sell us, we live the commodification of the very concept of man" is the very current slogan that presented the series "Points of View".  He lives and works in Montedoro at the "Farros's house" his studio \ artistic laboratory.

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Mixed technique
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Untitled work
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Untitled work
Mixed technique
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